Scientists have discovered a solution for enteric methane in rangeland plants and red seaweed, with trials revealing reductions of emissions from cattle.
With the cost, complexity and environmental impact involved in ocean-based seaweed cultivation, Rumin8 saw an opportunity to reproduce the target compound from the plant rather than mass producing the plant itself.
Our solution

Rumin8’s patented technology uses a pure form of nature’s anti-methanogenic compound (tribromomethane or TBM), transforming it into highly effective and commercially scalable feed additives.
We have drawn on a decade of research into the seaweed-derived TBM that has shown efficacy in reducing methane production by targeting the methanogenic pathways in the rumen of livestock. By reducing ruminant methane, we enable the animal to convert otherwise lost energy into increased productivity for the animal to create a compelling value proposition for farmers.
From formulation to field

Ongoing trials are consistently demonstrating high product palatability, productivity gains of up to 9% and high efficacy in methane reduction (50 – 90% grain-fed cattle and 24 – 50% grass-fed cattle).
We are currently perfecting several formulations and delivery modalities to suit diverse livestock production systems – including rangeland grazing cattle – to provide effective, easy to use and affordable solutions to producers.

Formulating TBM in multiple ways for producers

Our focus is on developing formulations and products that provide meaningful methane reductions for the planet, combined with productivity gains for farmers.
Our patented technology gives producers flexible delivery options of methane reducing additives to livestock.

Science and Safety
We are acutely aware that Rumin8’s product must create a net benefit to the environment, and must do it safely.
We are working to develop products that are safe for animals, the environment and consumers.

Animal and Human Safety
We carefully control the doses provided to livestock and regularly monitor for animal health and residues.
Animal health and safety is non-negotiable. Our pharmaceutical process ensures end-to-end quality control.
In our trials we are finding animals are readily consuming our products with no negative impact on feed intake or overall health (this is assessed using veterinarian observations as well as ruminal health assessments and clinical blood checks).

Environmental Safety
Rumin8 uses a pharmaceutical-based approach to developing its methane livestock solutions. It allows us to precisely control the purity and dose of our products to ensure accurate and consistent delivery.
Rumin8’s intellectual property covers the stabilization and palatable delivery of Tribromomethane (TBM) active, so that none of the active escapes into the atmosphere.
To validate this, Rumin8 is continually testing animals in their trials for residues of TBM.