The challenge

Methane from livestock accounts for 3.7% of human-driven greenhouse gas emissions, a number that will increase with our growing appetite for meat and dairy products.
Cattle and sheep are ruminants that digest their food for hours, chewing and re-chewing feed that goes in and out of their four-chambered stomach. The rumen, the first section of their stomach, is home to a complex system of microorganisms where a simple meal becomes a climate change problem through the production of around 200 litres of methane a day.
We need more solutions to reduce the industry’s impact on the environment. We believe our best chance to mitigate these emissions is to reduce methane production at the source.
The impact

We are on a mission to decarbonise 100 million cattle by 2030.
… that is 200 million metric tonnes of CO₂e reduction a year, equivalent to retiring 100 million petrol cars
There are 1.5 billion cattle globally and 475 million in key initial markets.
There are currently no solutions to abate methane from grass-fed cattle, accounting for 96% of cattle in Rumin8’s target markets (US, Australia, Brazil and New Zealand) at any one time, so developing a methane busting solution for grassfed cattle is extremely important.
Our multi-product solution suits a wide range of livestock management systems, including grass-fed cattle